Euskal herritik kanpora… ♪

Finally the last day has come… time for tiding up and cries L We are so sad of leaving this beautiful place and this wonderful adventure. It has been the first exchange we have make with Portugalete and we hope it is not going to be the last time! Thank you so much for everything! GO […]

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Last dinner – Azken afaria

At morning we have gone to the city of Bilbao, this way we have been allowed to have free time and visit the Old Part of Bilbo. The little groups of friends have been bty each way but then we have meet up together for having a pick-nick dinner. After the dinner it was a […]

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Merkatua Gazte Party

BAI, BAI, BAI, MERKATUA GATE PARTY EGUNA HELDU DA!!!!!!!!!!!! Goizaldean jaia antolatzeko, hainbat taldeetan banatu gara: batzuek afariaz aritu dira, beste batzuek jokoak jorratu dituzte, hainbestek musika antolatu dute… goiz osoa gaztegelan pasatu dugu non materiala eta lekua erabili dugu preparatu dugun jaia erakargarria izan dadin.   At the afternoon we were so tired and […]

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