Hoy hemos pasado el día en Bilbao, a la mañana hemos ido a el Guggenheim y hemos visto dos de las exposiciones principales que había en ese momento, una era sobre Arte y China después del 1989, ha sido una exposición bastante rara ya que combinada diferentes estilos, incluyendo animales vivos y vídeos repartidos por toda la exposición.

Later on in the day we got to ride a different kind of bicycle it was shaped as a kart from Mario Kart. There was different kinds of ones like the singles, the doubles, the party bus and the four seaters. We got to drive along the road and swing past people while doing it. At times we stopped and we got to play two different games like the checklist game. We had to ask people to take a picture of what was on the checklist like a person with a beard or a person with blonde hair. It was scary to ask people but got fun looking for the objectives. Then in the second game was tug of war wehre we got rekt however had fun trying our best.

Azkenean, afaldu ondoren joan gara dantza tradizional batzuk ikustera, dantza hauek ziren Panama, Kenia eta hemengoak. Panamako trajeak eskuz eginda zeuden eta oso politak ziren. Nire ustez eta guztien uztes oso ondo egin dute.

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