Hello everybody! Today we have start the day with a lot of rhythm, precisely with African rhythm. We have been learning traditional Kenyan dances and we have been playing their instruments too! While we were moving and enjoying, the television has started to record us. We have been interviewed about this exchange, answering how do we feel, how much are we enjoying it, what do we have learnt… Here we let the link of our video, that way you would be able to see us 😉
Bazkari potolo bat hartu ondoren, makina bat gauzetan aritu gara. Alde batetik, irlandarrei euskal hitz asko azaldu dizkiegu. Ondoren, mitologiaren alorrean dinamika bat egin dugu, gure euskal mitologia ikas zezaten, eta egia esanda… Guk ikasteko ere jeje. Beste aldetik, herri kirol asko jokatu ditugu, hala nola, lokotxak, txingak, sokatira eta euskal dantzak!
La verdad es que ha sido un día completamente lleno de movimiento y muy rico en diferentes culturas. Están siendo días muy divertidos pero nos toca recargar pilas, ¡hasta mañana!
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