This morning we woke up early, got ready and went for our breakfast. Then we got the bus to San Juan de Gaztelugatxe, when we arrived we walked to the top of Gaztelugatxe. In Northern Ireland we call this place, «Dragon Stone» based on the show, «Game Of Thrones». We struggled a bit on the walk especially on the way back to the start as we were tired. When we were at the top some of us rang the bell, we also convinced people that our youth leader Phill was a famous actor from the show «Game Of Thrones» and they took pictures with him thinking that he was an actor! We enjoyed the beautiful views from the top of Gaztelugatxe as the views from Northern Ireland are not as beautiful as Gaztelugatxe. On the way back we all encouraged eachother as it was steep hills and it got a lot warmer. When we made it back to the top we all enjoyed a lie down on the ground and a nice sip of water! We really enjoyed today. Gaztelugatxe is a great place! 

Arratsaldean, Bakiora joan gara eta bertan bazkaldu dugu. Amaitu ostean hondartzara abiatu gara eta itsasoan bainatu gara. Eguraldia lainotsu egon arren ura gozo-gozo zegoen. Uretan olatuekin eta pilota batekin jokatu dugu guztiok batera, primeran pasatu dugu!


Bakioko hondartza



a la tarde nos hemos reunido para acordar que platos íbamos  a cocinar al día siguiente puesto que  es el intercambio gastronómico.

al final hemos comenzado a cenar y contamos un poco todo lo que habíamos hecho en el día .

se despide por hoy thalia y lucia .


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