Hello beautiful people! Kaixo!
My name is Andrea and I am 30 years old and I need to say that I am a big traveller. Last four years I have been traveling and living all around the world.
After flying around the planet Spain came to my mind as a perfect place to stop a little bit from packing and unpacking my luggage all the time. I decided to try my last chance (because of the age limit) and seize the opportunity of European Solidarity Corps projects. Fortunately I found very interesting project in lovely Portugalete!
How did I get here?
This project is held by European Solidarity Coprs (https://europa.eu/youth/solidarity_en) and let me stay here for 10 months, help local community, share my experience & knowledge and learn a lot about local life and their non-formal education activities!
Why am I here?
My mission is to improve the awareness of opportunities abroad, make international youth exchanges, language & health events and much more! All this in non-formal education way which I personally really support.
My goal is also to improve my Spanish language which is now on communicative level. Since I have never had official Spanish language classes and I only learned it while traveling there are many things that definitely need to be improved.
How did I find this opportunity?
Attending a lot of Erasmus+ projects all around Europe. ESC is like a cousin of Erasmus+ so it is very easy to hear about it. Doing Erasmus+ I have met many people with ESC experience and it seemed amazing for me.
And I am happy to say that with the support of Portugaleteko Aisialdi Sarea I will be able to make my own Erasmus+ project here! Amazing!
I really appreciate that this opportunity came to my life and will do my best to complete my mission!
I will keep you posted about our activities and other information and together we will go for even better future with more opportunities for everyone! 😊
Are you interested to meet me in person? I´ll be every week in Gazte gela/Aula Joven in Portugalete!
Thanks for reading untill the end and see you soon!
Su nueva Portugaluja, Andrea
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