2019/07/07 – Portugalete’s GOT TALENT (y mucho)

Hoy hemos empezado con un monton de cotilleos en la caja que hicimos ayer para contar nuestras cosas. Esto promete. La primera impresión fue como que no queríamos integrarnos pero todos estamos hoy mucho mejor. Hemos hecho una dinámica de miedos y expectativas y esos eran nuestros miedos, no formar un único grupo. Programos adecuadamente. […]

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2019/07/06 – Welcome to Portugalete: Llegada tras un largo viaje.

Hoy ha comenzado nuestro primer día de intercambio en Portugalete. Hemos recibido a 12 personas de Ouistreham, Francia de entre 15 y 18 años. Tras un largo viaje hemos hecho unos juegos de presentación y hemos ido a comer. Por la tarde hemos pasado por la parte de arriba del puente colgante, hemos ido a […]

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Euskal herritik kanpora… ♪

Finally the last day has come… time for tiding up and cries L We are so sad of leaving this beautiful place and this wonderful adventure. It has been the first exchange we have make with Portugalete and we hope it is not going to be the last time! Thank you so much for everything! GO […]

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Last dinner – Azken afaria

At morning we have gone to the city of Bilbao, this way we have been allowed to have free time and visit the Old Part of Bilbo. The little groups of friends have been bty each way but then we have meet up together for having a pick-nick dinner. After the dinner it was a […]

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Merkatua Gazte Party

BAI, BAI, BAI, MERKATUA GATE PARTY EGUNA HELDU DA!!!!!!!!!!!! Goizaldean jaia antolatzeko, hainbat taldeetan banatu gara: batzuek afariaz aritu dira, beste batzuek jokoak jorratu dituzte, hainbestek musika antolatu dute… goiz osoa gaztegelan pasatu dugu non materiala eta lekua erabili dugu preparatu dugun jaia erakargarria izan dadin.   At the afternoon we were so tired and […]

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This morning we woke up early, got ready and went for our breakfast. Then we got the bus to San Juan de Gaztelugatxe, when we arrived we walked to the top of Gaztelugatxe. In Northern Ireland we call this place, «Dragon Stone» based on the show, «Game Of Thrones». We struggled a bit on the walk […]

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Dantzando bajo la lluvia

Hello everybody! Today we have start the day with a lot of rhythm, precisely with African rhythm. We have been learning traditional Kenyan dances and we have been playing their instruments too! While we were moving and enjoying, the television has started to record us.  We have been interviewed about this exchange, answering how do […]

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Paseando por Gernika

Today we visted Gernika; we spent the morning visiting  the Peace Museum and had a tour aroud the historic town. Including seeing the replica of the Picasso painting, of the town in 1937 (civial wartime). Después hemos ido a una campa donde hemos almorzado y descansado hasta que nos han llevado a ver La Casa […]

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Visiting Bilbao!!!!

Hoy hemos pasado el día en Bilbao, a la mañana hemos ido a el Guggenheim y hemos visto dos de las exposiciones principales que había en ese momento, una era sobre Arte y China después del 1989, ha sido una exposición bastante rara ya que combinada diferentes estilos, incluyendo animales vivos y vídeos repartidos por […]

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To start the day off we as a group had breakfast together and had a brief walk tour of the town before making our way to the town hall to greet the mayor. After a lovely intorductions we made our way to the place that we were rowing and we even jumped into the river. […]

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